Learn how to manage your team...

Your talent, drive, and focus got you this far — but leadership is a very different beast, and you’d prefer to tackle it with practical guidance.

Paddy Moogan

Read our Guides

A Manager’s Guide to Running Effective Meetings

Learn how to run effective meetings with your team and set the right example to them.

A Manager’s Guide to Running Effective One to One Meetings

Want to run better one to one meetings? Read our in-depth guide and learn how.


A Manager's Guide to Effective Delegation to Your Team

Delegation is a key skill for a manager to develop, read our guide and develop your skills.

Latest Videos from Paddy

Shutdown Routines

Learn what a shutdown routine is and how to integrate one into your working day.

Hiring Factors

Watch Paddy explain the key factors to keep in mind when hiring new people into your team.

Effective Communication

Paddy explains the importance of communication as a leader and some tips for how to be effective.

The Communication Pyramid

Join Paddy as he explains what the communication pyramid is and how to use it with your team.

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